Llangynidr Primary School


Llangynidr preschool is a play-based, non-maintained nursery for 2-4 year olds.

We work closely with the school and share a site, but are a separate entity. Our main aim here is to develop happy, engaged and independent children through a relaxed, fun and welcoming environment. 

We offer full wrap around care including breakfast (for children aged 2-4) and After School Club for children from 2-11 years.

The setting is run by Georgia Woodcock and Kirsty Carr who have worked here for a number of years.

Kirsty is a qualified Level 5 childcare professional and a qualified Level 3 Forest school leader and play therapist. She enjoys lots of arts and crafts and is always getting stuck in with our activities on offer.

Georgia has a Ba(Hons) in early years education and practice alongside her level 3 forest school leaders, Makaton level 2 and adventures with Alice. 

What we offer 

We offer a range of activities to engage and stimulate the children in different ways.

One of our favourites is forest school sessions; the children explore the forest area and let their imagination run wild creating their own games. There is plenty of opportunity for risky play here too with the use of tools, fire, climbing and swinging to develop a variety of physical, numeracy and literacy skills. Forest School can increase a child's confidence and self-esteem through exploration, problem solving, and being encouraged to learn how to assess and take appropriate risks. This is a firm favourite for both children and staff! 

We also offer a range of literacy and communication activities such as ready steady music, Makaton, pyjama drama and write dance allows our children to foster a love of singing and language in a fun play based way.

No child is made to join in the activities, we believe in stage not age; we encourage everyone to try the activities on offer but if they aren’t quite ready to sit on the carpet for the whole duration they are free to explore in whatever way they need. 

We also enjoy a lot of messy play such as clay, sensory trays and large scale painting allowing children to explore all of their senses, so bringing a spare pair of clothes is always a must here! 

Funding and Childcare costs 

There are many different aids for funding your childcare costs that we accept here at the pre-school such as tax-free childcare accounts, tax or universal credits for 2-11 year olds which can be used towards your childcare costs. 

For children 3 and over there is Powys educational funding which provides 10 hours per week of funding alongside the childcare offer for Wales which provides and additional 20 hours of funding for childcare costs. 

Contact us 

If you would like any more information or to get in touch with us to chat about starting or arrange a visit check out our facebook page or email us on llangynidrpreschool@outlook.com

Parent comments

“Thank you for your unwavering passion and love that goes into this place, you’re like a second home” 

“Staff are always engaging and welcoming. Feels like you are part of one big happy family”

“We both feel that the setting gives us peace of mind and reassurance that our daughter is in the best and most nurturing place for her early years development”

“Tbh you all do an amazing job and I highly recommend any parent I speak to with pre schoolers to enrol. The kids flourish with you and develop in such a happy environment.”

“You guys are amazing and know that my child thoroughly loves attending”

More information

View our most recent Estyn inspection here

You can find our Statement of Purpose here