Llangynidr Primary School

Free School Meals

Wales will be providing free school meals to all Primary pupils by 2024 and this is being rolled out at different speeds depending on the Local Authority.  

Currently all pupils from Reception to Year 4 in Powys are provided with universal free school meals.  

Many parents may be eligible to apply for free school meals for their child now. Signing up is easy and confidential. You don't have to tell us if you would prefer not to.  If your child decides to have the school meal on any day, they just have the meal provided. Powys schools have systems which mean it is impossible for other pupils to know who is receiving free school meals. 

If you register, even if your child decides not to have a school lunch, you can:

  • Save up to £400 a year for each primary school child
  • Help your school and other schools in Powys to benefit from funding because you have registered
  • Registering for Free School Meals might also qualify you for other help and assistance.

If you qualify for any of the following, you can apply: 

  • Income Support
  • Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based)
  • If you are an Asylum Seeker getting support under the Immigration and Asylum Act.
  • State Pension Guaranteed Credit
  • Employment and Support Allowance - Income based
  • Child Tax Credit - as long as you are not getting an amount for childcare paid with your CTC, or getting Working Tax Credit. HM Revenue & Customs must also have worked out your household income as £16,190 a year or less.
  • Universal Credit - as long as your annual net earnings are £7400 or less
  • You can also get free school meals if you are entitled to a Working Tax Credit 'run-on' payment for four weeks after stopping work or reducing working hours to under 16 hours a week.

If you think you may be eligible, please follow this link for more information and to apply. 

For other advice and information for parents on financial and other support, click here.