Llangynidr Primary School

Class Structure

We welcome children between five and 11 years old, from Reception to Year Six.

Llangynidr Pre-School (an independent entity that shares our site) offers toddler sessions and a nursery. Find out more here.

Due to our relatively small size, children are arranged into 4 classes. These are named after features of our local landscape:

  • Dosbarth y Bont (Bridge Class)
  • Dosbarth yr Afon (River Class)
  • Dosbarth y Gamlas (Canal Class)
  • Dosbarth y Mynydd (Mountain Class).

The make-up of each class varies from year to year depending on the numbers in each year group. Children will often be in mixed-year classes or have a particular year group spread between different classes. 

Having children of different ages work alongside each other can bring enormous benefits. It is a wonderful opportunity for peer-to-peer teaching and learning, boosting confidence and understanding as children work across years on shared topics and projects.

Whichever class your child is in, the teachers focus on their individual needs and abilities, and ensure they teach to ‘stage’ not ‘age’.

You can read the school policy on how the classes are structured here.