Llangynidr Primary School

Additional Learning Needs

One of our aims is to enable everyone to strive to be the best they can be.

We are also determined to support everyone’s wellbeing, while celebrating individuality and diversity. 

If you know your child has additional learning needs, or think that they might have, we’d always encourage you to talk to your teacher as soon as you can.  

We monitor and assess all pupils’ progress to ensure that those children who might need extra help can get the support they need in the way that works for them. If we feel your child might need extra support, we will work closely with parents or carers to agree the best approach. We also work to ensure all pupils can take part in all excursions and activities and that everyone is valued and included.

You can find our policy on Additional Learning Needs here.

You  can find our Accessibility Plan here.

You may also want to discuss any questions with the member of staff with responsibility for Additional Learning Needs (ALNCo), Mrs. Maria Davies, or the ALN governor, Mr. Grant Barlow. Please make contact via the school office.