Llangynidr Primary School


We have recently introduced the new national Curriculum for Wales.


We organise learning around a shared theme across the school each term. As well as specific classes on skills like literacy and numeracy, this term all classes explored different projects on the topic of 'Little village, big world.' This whole school approach promotes collaboration, boosts confidence and encourages friendships throughout the school. 

We encourage parents to discuss their child’s progress with their class teacher at any time.

We hold parents’ evenings in the Autumn and Spring terms to talk about how things are going, and we write a formal report on achievement and attainment at the end of the Summer Term.

If parents have any concerns or questions coming from the end of year report, they have the chance to meet with the teacher. 


The four purposes

The Curriculum for Wales sets a shared aspiration for every child and young person in the country. In line with this, our curriculum aims to equip pupils with the skills to become: 

  • Ambitious, capable learners
  • Healthy, confident individuals
  • Ethical, informed citizens 
  • Enterprising, creative contributors

Area of Learning Experiences

The new national curriculum removes the teaching of individualised subjects. Instead, we focus on six Areas of Learning Experiences. These are:

Language, Literacy and Communication

This area aims to enable learners to communicate effectively using English, Welsh and international languages. By igniting learners’ curiosity and enthusiasm we want to offer a foundation for a lifelong interest in the languages of Wales and the languages of the world. 

We encourage daily communication with everyday Welsh. Where possible we also incorporate local speakers and authors, for example with visits to the Hay Book Festival. We have good relationship with our 'cluster' of local primary schools and Crickhowell High School and together we're drawing on the expertise of the High School to currently develop Spanish as our chosen international language.

Mathematics and Numeracy

In the early years, play forms an important part in the development of mathematics and numeracy, enabling learners to solve problems, explore ideas, establish connections and collaborate with others.

In later years, learners need to have opportunities to work both independently and collaboratively to build on the foundations. 

Science and Technology

This area draws on the disciplines of biology, chemistry, computer science, design and technology, and physics to enhance learners’ knowledge and understanding of the world. 

In order to help support this area of learning, we use STEM resources and activities, workshops, trips, external providers, and local scientists to bring the topics to life. 

The school is well resourced for technology with every class having access to either laptops or Chrome books.  Each classroom has the use of an interactive board.  There is an IT Sustainability plan which means that we select new hardware on regular basis to replace older devices.

Health and Well being

The fundamental components of this area are physical health and development, mental health, and emotional and social well-being. It will support learners to understand and appreciate how the different components of health and well-being are interconnected.  

The school takes the well-being of its learners very seriously and uses mindfulness, regular check-ins and external agencies in order to provide a supportive and caring environment.  Physical activity is emphasised and encouraged in PE sessions, outdoor learning and clubs.


This area covers geography, history, religion, values and ethics and social studies. It encourages learners to engage with the most important issues facing humanity, including sustainability and social change, and develop the skills necessary to interpret and articulate the past and the present.

We've designed our new topic cycle to make the most of the local area and community. We want the children to find out more about the local area, its history, significant places and events, using real people and experiences where we can.

Expressive Arts 

This area spans art, dance, drama, music, and film and digital media.  We encourage learners to develop their creative, artistic and performance skills to the full.

Music plays an important part of school life.  The choir takes part in community events, such concerts with the Royal Welsh National Opera Brass Consort and local male voice choirs, and singing to welcome refugees to the village. We've recently had drumming workshops and a song writing session throughout the school.

Music lessons are currently available weekly on the violin, piano, brass and woodwind instruments.  Some of these lessons can be in a group to reduce the costs.  Children entitled to free school meals do not need to pay. 


The overarching themes

 Throughout the six areas, there are three overarching mandatory cross-curricular skills running through. These are:

  • Language
  • Numeracy
  • DCF (Digital Competency Framework)